We are hoping the cold will eventually move out of Atlanta. Squirt has been blessed this week with not only 1 snow storm but 2. The city shut down for the most part unnecessarily (which is to be expected). We were hoping to give Squirt the experience of hearing Barry Manilow live but that will have to wait as even Barry was afraid to venture out in the snow on Saturday night. We think it only right to culture our child so that they can know what really happened at the Copacabana!

We are still waiting for Squirt to make contact. We are talking every day with the little guy/gal but no response. We are starting to think that the microphone (belly button) is out of order. Some sort of response would be greatly appreciated. A kick, a little nudge, something besides sending Mommy to the bathroom 14 times every night. Something along these lines would be great so that maybe Melissa would stop both sides of the conversation. Yes, this is for real. All of the books tell you to talk to the baby, which we do on a regular basis. Some conversations more in depth and serious than others, but Melissa has decided that since Squirt can't answer she will answer for Squirt. The voice is rather high pitched and kinda cute. This is why it is very important for Squirt to answer in his/her own way so that Daddy can be sure that Mommy hasn't completely lost her mind.

The next 4 weeks can't go fast enough so that we can stop typing "him/her" or other variations and finally figure out what Squirt really is. Everyone in the world is convinced that Squirt is developing as a boy. We, in our own and very unprofessional opinion, are convinced that Squirt is a girl. Either way is no matter as long as there are 10 fingers, 10 toes and Melissa will be allowed to buy ultra-cute clothing for our little baby.
For now we are all great and our little bun in the oven is baking just right.