Welcome to the land of sleepless nights and poopie diapers. Abram is now 2 weeks old and has taken up his position as king of the household already. As we expected, there is not much routine just yet and everything revolves around when Abram wants to eat, sleep or soil a diaper. Thus far both of us had a catastrophic event while diaper changing. Twice in one day Melissa got the sprinkler treatment from the little guy. Soon she will remember to duck and cover while changing diapers. Ira's experience was much less glamorous, and we'll just leave it at that.
His battle wound from last weekend has healed and we are now just waiting for his little umbilical cord to fall off to give him a proper bath. He got his fingernails clipped so now everyone can see his cute little hands too (obviously this picture is from a few days ago).
All in all the first two weeks have been absolutely exhausting, amazing, frustrating, spectacular and magical all at the same time. Melissa is feeling very good, all things considered, and is healing up nicely too. We are absolutely loving being parents and living with our new little family. If these first 2 weeks are any indication, being parents is going to be so much more fantastic than we ever had imagined.