Abram and Mommy had a great trip to FL. Abram survived his first plane trip. He slept most of the flight down to FL and decided to take in the entire flight back to ATL by staying awake.

FL was a nice break from ATL. Abram was able to spend time with all the grandparents. I think Abram really enjoyed being in shorts and not having to wear shoes and socks. While in Fort Pierce, Grandpa Ray treated us to Dales BBQ. Abram was not too interested in the food, but I have a feeling that the next trip to Dales Abram will be eating his share of food.
Abram is crawling everywhere and getting into just about everything. He continues to "talk" and it just puts a smile on my face when I hear him say "dada" when Ira walks into the room. Am just waiting for the day that I get to her "mama".