Thursday, December 17, 2009

Abram 18-month stats

This morning we had Abram's 18-month check-up. Hard to believe our little guy is 18-months old. Here are the latest stats:

Weight - 26 1/4 lbs 56%
Height - 33 inches 70% (Personally think he might be a bit taller since he was being a wiggle-worm on the table)

Abram is cutting two more molars. He now has a total of 10 teeth.

Seems like each day Abram is picking up new words to say. Heard "thank you" earlier this week. Abram is now obsessed with the Disney character Handy Manny. He pretty much always has a Handy Manny toy nearby and loves to watch the TV show when he comes home from daycare.

We have enjoyed sharing Hanukkah with Abram. He is more into it this year and we just hope that once the holiday is over he realizes that he will not be getting a new toy, book, etc. every night.

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