Thursday, June 30, 2011

Micah 1-month check up/stats

Today Micah had to go to his 1-month check up appointment with Dr. Mekelburg. Here are the latest Micah stats:

Weight 9 lbs, 9 oz; 44% - gained 2 lbs, 11 oz
Heigh 21 3/4 inches; 57% - grew 1 1/4 inches

Micah for the first time today rolled over from his belly to back. He enjoys tummy-time and is getting very strong. Other items to note - Micah is eating 4oz every 3 hours during the day and has gone from a 9pm feed to 4am....hoping this pattern lasts or gets even better.

Abram is adjusting the role of big bro as well. He likes playing on Micah's play-mat and sometimes will help with a feed.

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